Understand Your Weights Training Session
Your training session is a complete workout which includes different elements providing you with a comprehensive experience from Warmup to Cooldown. The intensity and focus of each workout varies throughout the week, based on your past performance and feedback. You can expect training sessions containing Interval workouts which focus on improving your technique. Should you need to adapt your training day, you can use the Adapt session feature.
Navigate this page to learn more about the following:
Dynamic Warmup
It is important to warm up before any kind of exercise in order to avoid injury. The right warm up can significantly boost your performance during your Freeletics trainings. Each training session will include a Dynamic Warmup, designed to prepare you for your workout. The warmup is meant to activate your cardiovascular system, as well as the the interaction between your muscular and nervous system.
Intervals are completely flexible, adaptable trainings, tailored to you by your Coach. They are designed according to your past performances and your goal. For each interval you will have a warm-up set, using a lighter weight, and then a number of working sets at a higher weight. There is no timer in any Interval. Focus even more on performing all the movements with perfect form at the speed that your Coach defines. That way you can improve the quality of your movements, and progress to more difficult exercises. Intervals are results-driven and designed for you to reach your personal goal.
Active Cooldown
The Active Cooldown is an important part of your complete workout. In your Freeletics training, your cooldown routine includes static stretching designed to re-establish the range of motion of your muscles and joints. Remember to always include a cooldown after any workout as it accelerates the body’s recovery and regeneration processes.